COSTA MED E.E.I.G. in the implementation of the territorial marketing program of the same name, COSTAMED, after having carried out awareness-raising work among various partners at an international level in recent years, has designed a specific TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (hereinafter P.S.T.) with a GLOCAL approach (Global to better address the new course of Globalization and Local to see in the Mediterranean a “territory” where to experiment with an innovative virtuous socio-economic model of an eco-sustainable type, which at the same time is capable of enhancing the millenary value of culture and traditions).

For the implementation of the P.S.T. COSTAMED will make use of LIBRA People Company which will play the role of Financial Participation Holding of a specific Partnership which will coordinate the various Partners relating to the “Profit” area while the ROBIN MIND School of Ethics and Economics will act as the Lead Partner of the aforementioned Partnership will dedicate itself to the coordination of the Partners relating to the “Non Profit” area.

Among the main objectives of the COSTAMED program:

Create interventions and structures for the promotion of the new COSTAMED tourist destination with an integrated territorial tourism marketing approach, through the creation of a Public Private Partnership.

Among these structural interventions, there is the need to affirm a new model of safe, healthy, welcoming accommodation with high added value for the experiential contribution, as well as that of affirming a new “life style” through the creation, where possible of the LIBRA Eco Smart Resorts, structures that can combine the right balance between the residential and hospitality concepts, aimed at qualifying the existing tourist offer, both from a structural, infrastructural and, above all, human point of view.

It is also inherent in the P.S.T. the improvement of the quality of the service to the user by integrating the agri-food aspect, the artistic and socio-cultural one and finally the eco-sustainable infrastructural one (according to the rules of the international standard quality certification for management processes, and those of the LEED protocol issued by the American Green Building Council for structural and infrastructural ones).

through the ROBIN MIND School it is hypothesized:

to establish a stable Think-Tank in the Mediterranean with the mission of defining new rules of Public Governance for the territories involved and creating “best practices” for the formation of a new and more competent ruling class. It also aims to disseminate advanced training courses and intends to establish the ROBIN Award as recognition of the best Public Manager who, with transparency, will best manage the tangible, intangible and human resources assigned to him;
and to create an operational platform for the transparent management of humanitarian projects whose aim is to identify new strategies in favor of migrants and refugees crossing the Mediterranean, bringing new planning that addresses the root causes in the countries of origin of migratory flows and shapes at the same time new managers and operators who will follow its development on site. The same platform combines refugee issues with the security of the countries subject to immigration and has as its objective the return of populations to their territories with an innovative approach.