IUS to USE® – Carcallè

3 weeks per year in the Eco Smart Resort Carcallè in Ibla (RG) with the 20/20 formula that includes 3 weeks per year (one week for each period of low, medium and high season) for a maximum of 4 people for the duration of 20 years at only 20,000 €.

For more information info@costamed.builderallwp.com (RE: IUS to USE® – Carcallè)


3 weeks per year in the Eco Smart Resort Carcallè in Ibla (RG) with the 20/20 formula that includes 3 weeks per year (one week for each period of low, medium and high season) for a maximum of 4 people for the duration of 20 years at only 20,000 €.

For more information info@costamed.builderallwp.com (RE: IUS to USE® – Carcallè)

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