Genesis and preconditions of development

The COSTAMED Program was presented for the first time in May 2017, in collaboration with the Partner “ROBIN MIND School of Ethics and Economics” coinciding with the G7 summit in Taormina, and a symbolic counter-summit was organized in Torretta (PA) by evocative title “G0 – International People Summit.” to hope for a  “Generation Zero” that can have a new approach to GLOCALIZATION as an element of sharing and never of separation.

7 years later, the G7 in Puglia in Fasano is repeated in Italy, which we hope will outline the new lines of global development and determine, downstream, the conditions for territorial development also in the Mediterranean, contributing to resolving the two main emergency situations linked to migrants and the conflict in the Middle East.

These conditions are unavoidable with respect to the desired territorial development of the Mediterranean to implement a new “DESTINATION” as in the interval of these 7 years from 2017 to 2024 the COSTAMED EEIG has become an effective member of the EGTC ARCHIMED (https://gectarchimed. eu/index.php/soci-e-cariche/) and through this public law body, a request for a global grant from the European Union is hypothesized for infrastructural and structural interventions that could concern the local and territorial authorities involved within of the general MasterPlan that COSTAMED will present to its interested participants and investors.

In order to make understanding the evolution of the COSTAMED Program more accessible, we present some slides that give an idea of ​​the ongoing Timeline.