EVENT G0 International People Summit

The COSTAMED Programme remains in the firm belief that a new model of socio-economic development can be established only with the contextual consensus, on the one hand, of the so-called “International Community” and, on the other, with the affirmation of a territorial model that can contemplate within itself, moments of public debate for a real and virtuous connection between the LOCAL level (in our case, the Mediterranean) and the GLOBAL level, for the resolution of planetary themes (hunger, disease, terrorism, wars, etc.).

For these reasons it is intended to plan the new edition of the event “G0 – International People Summit“, planned for May 2025, to offer the world a different approach for a new GLOCALIZATION of socio-economic processes, compared to the issues that are normally discussed at government summits, which deal with the distortions caused by a savage globalization and start with a mentality of change, both bottom-up and top-down.

The International People Summit, therefore, intends to become the symbolic passage of the witness from the ” big ones of the earth ” to a new “Generation.Zero”. to hope for a new ruling class that goes beyond the summits between Heads of State and “integrates” the future International People Summit G0, as a “location” where the humanitarian focus is, on the one hand, the Global needs of the Planet, harmonized with particular attention to the local needs of the territories.